KC Culver has expertise in how policies, programs, and practices shape equitable experiences and outcomes in these areas: faculty careers and work, pedagogies and curriculum, student engagement and success, and quantitative measurement.
Culver, K. C. (2023). All in all: Tearing down walls in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Innovative Higher Education, 48(6), 971-976.
Culver, K. C., Kezar, A., & Koren, E. R. (2023). Improving access and inclusion for VITAL faculty in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through sustained professional development programs. Innovative Higher Education, 48(6), 1071-1094.
Culver, K. C., Harper, J., & Kezar, A. (2022). Engaging design thinking in professional bureaucracies: Improving equity for non-tenure track faculty in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 3(1), 68 -89.
Culver, K. C., Young, R. L., & Barnhardt, C. L. (2020). Communicating support: Examining perceived organizational support among faculty with differing appointment types. Innovative Higher Education, 45(4), 299-315.
Kezar, A., & Culver, K. C. (2024). Exploring New Horizons for Designing Sustained Professional Development for VITAL Faculty. Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Culver, K. C., Kezar, A., Koren, E. R., & Curtis, J. W. (2024). Faculty, Academic Careers, and Environments (FACE) conceptual framework report. Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Kezar, A., & Culver, K. C. (2024). Voices of expertise and experience brief: What is the employee value proposition for contingent/VITAL faculty? TIAA Research Institute.
Curtis, J. W., Koren, E. R., Kezar, A., Culver, K. C., Arbeit, C., & McDermott Tate, N. (2024). Faculty, Academic Careers, and Environments (FACE) pilot study and field test report. USC Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Kezar, A., & Culver, K. C. (2024). The role of academic affairs in supporting VITAL faculty on campus. USC Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Koren, E. R., Curtis, J. W., Kezar, A., & Culver, K. C. (2024). Faculty, Academic Careers, and Environments (FACE) institutional data providers focus groups report. USC Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Culver, K. C., & Kezar, A. (2022). The impacts of 2020 on advancement of non-tenure track and adjunct faculty. In Dahlberg, M., ed., Promotion, Tenure, and Advancement through the Lens of 2020: The Next Normal. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
Culver, K. C., Kezar, A., & Yeh, J. (2022). Toolkit for designing accessible and inclusive professional development for NTTF. The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success.
Culver, K. C., & Kezar, A. (2021). Designing accessible and inclusive professional development for NTTF. The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success.
Culver, K. C., Harper, J., & Kezar, A. (2021). Design for equity in higher education. The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success.
Culver, K. C., Harper, J., & Kezar, A. (2021). Using “design for equity in higher education” for liberatory change: a guide for practice. The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success.
Culver, K. C., Bray, N. J., & Braxton, J. M. (2024). On my honor: A quasi-experimental analysis of honors students’ perceptions of workload and cognitive challenge. Research in Higher Education, 2024(65), 679–704.
Culver, K. C., & Katsumoto, S. (2024). Think for yourself: Centering racially minoritized students in the relationship between good teaching practices and lifelong learning in the first college year. Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 36(2), 75-96.
Culver, K. C., Youngerman, E. W., Jang, N., Bowman, N. A., & Just, C. L. (2022). Promoting equitable achievement in STEM: Lab report writing and online peer review. Journal of Experimental Education, 90(1), 23-45.
Bowman, N. A., Jarratt, L., Culver, K. C., & Segre, A. (2021). The impact of pair programming on college students’ interest, perceptions, and achievement in computer science. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 21(3), 1-19.
Culver, K. C., Braxton, J. M., & Pascarella, E. T. (2021). What we talk about when we talk about rigor: Examining conceptions of academic rigor. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(7), 1140-1163.
Bowman, N. A., Jarratt, L., Culver, K. C., & Segre, A. (2020). Pair programming in perspective: Effects on persistence, achievement, and equity in computer science. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 13(4), 731-758.
Culver, K. C., Braxton, J. M., & Pascarella, E. T. (2019). Does teaching rigorously enhance undergraduates’ intellectual development? The relationship of academic rigor with critical thinking skills and self-motivated learning. Higher Education, 78(4), 611-627.
Loes, C. N., Culver, K. C., & Trolian, T. L. (2018). How collaborative learning enhances students’ openness to diversity. The Journal of Higher Education, 89(6). 935-960.
Kilgo, C. A., Culver, K. C., Young, R. L., & Paulsen, M. B. (2017). The relationship between students’ perceptions of “good practices for undergraduate education” and the paradigmatic development of disciplines in course-taking behavior. Research in Higher Education, 58(4). 430-448.
Youngerman, E. W., & Culver, K. C. (2024). Preparing culturally competent professionals: Fostering graduate student agency and autonomy through project-based learning. In E. T. Parker III & T. L. Trolian (Eds.), Promoting Meaningful Student-Faculty Experiences in Graduate Education (pp. 62-84). Routledge.
Bowman, N. A., Jarratt, L., Culver, K. C., & Segre, A. M. (2020). (Mis)match of students’ country of origin and the impact of collaborative learning in computer science. In Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, June 22-26, 2020.
Culver, K. C., & Trolian, T. L., Eds. (2020). Effective instruction in college classrooms: Research‐Based approaches to college and university teaching. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 168. Jossey-Bass.
Trolian, T. L., & Culver, K. C. (2020). Advancing evidence‐based instruction for the public good. In Culver, K. C., & Trolian, T. L. (Eds.), Research-based practices for effective instruction (New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 168, pp. 115-126). Jossey-Bass.
Youngerman, E. W., & Culver, K. C. (2019). Problem-based learning (PBL): Real-world applications to foster (inter)disciplinary learning and integration. In T. L. Trolian & E. A. Jach (Eds.), Applied learning in higher education: curricular and co-curricular experiences that improve student learning (New Directions for Higher Education, no. 188, pp. 23-32). Jossey-Bass.
Bowman, N. A., Jarratt, L., Culver, K. C., & Segre, A. M. (2019). How prior programming experience affects students’ pair programming experiences and outcomes. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 12-17, 2019.
Jarratt, L., Bowman, N. A., Culver, K. C., & Segre, A. M. (2019). A large-scale experimental study of gender and pair composition in pair programming. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 12-17, 2019.
Culver, K. C., Perez, R., Kitchen, J., & Cole, D. (2024). Fostering equitable engagement: a mixed-methods exploration of the engagement of racially diverse students in a comprehensive college transition program. Journal of College Student Development, 17(2), 200–214.
Culver, K. C., Swanson, E. S., Hallett, R. E., & Kezar, A. (2021). Identity-conscious strategies to engage low income students in a learning community: Shared courses in a comprehensive college transition program. Teachers College Record, 123(8), 142-171. https://doi.org/10.1177/01614681211048655
Swanson, E. S., Culver, K. C., Cole, D., & Rivera, G. (2021). Promoting at-promise student success in four-year universities: Recommendations from the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(4), 457–462. https://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000345
Denson N., Bowman, N. A., Culver, K. C., & Holmes J. M. (2021). Do diversity courses make a difference in student outcomes? A meta-analysis of 25 years of research. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(4), 544–556.
Culver, K. C., & Bowman, N. A. (2019). Is what glitters really gold? A quasi-experimental study of first-year seminars and college student success. Research in Higher Education, 61(2), 167-196.
Bowman, N. A., & Culver, K. C. (2017). When do honors programs make the grade? Conditional effects on college satisfaction, achievement, retention, and graduation. Research in Higher Education, 59(3). 249–272.
Corwin, Z., Kitchen, J., Harvey, J., & Love, H., Culver, K. C., & Rivera, G. (2024). Promoting at-promise college student success through peer mentoring [Practice Guide]. USC Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Culver, K. C., & Bowman, N. A. (2023). Are you experienced? How college environments, programs, and interactions shape student retention and graduation. In R. D. Reason & J. M. Braxton (Eds.), Improving College Student Retention: New Developments in Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 153-181). Stylus.
Kezar, A., & Culver, K. C. (2023). Leadership provocation: Silence is complicity [Editorial]. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 55(3), 2-3.
Culver, K. C., Rivera, G.J., Acuna, A. A., Cole, D., Hallett, R., Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R. J., & Swanson, E. (2021). Engaging at-promise students for success through innovative practices: Proactive advising and shared academic courses. [Brief]. Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Swanson, E., Bettencourt, G.M., Cole, D., Culver, K.C., Kitchen, J., & Rivera, G. J. (2021). Designing comprehensive college transition programs to support students’ long-term success. [Brief]. USC Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Culver, K. C. (2020). Cognitive dissonance. In M. E. David & M. J. Amey (Eds.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Higher Education (pp. 259-260). Sage Publications.
Cole, D., Culver, K. C., Kitchen, J. A., Rivera, G., & Swanson, E. S. [alphabetical] (2020). How and why a comprehensive college transition program works: Promoting at-promise students’ success in the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities. Pullias Center for Higher Education. .
Bowman, N. A., & Culver, K. C. (2018). Promoting equity and student learning: Rigor in undergraduate academic experiences . In C. M. Campbell (Ed.), Reframing notions of rigor: Building scaffolding for equity and student success. (New Directions for Higher Education, no. 181, pp. 47-57). Jossey-Bass.
Jang, N., Culver, K. C., & Bowman, N. A. (2023). Measuring students’ spirituality: A scale of authenticity. Journal of College and Character, 24(2), 79-99.
Culver, K. C., Selznick, B. S., & Trolian, T. L. (2022). Rethinking critical thinking for social justice: Introducing a new measure of critical being that emphasizes thought, reflection, and action. SN Social Sciences. 2, 218 (2022)
Culver, K. C., Bowman, N. A., & Pascarella, E. T. (2021). How students’ cognitive abilities and intellectual orientations predict their perceptions of good teaching practices. Research in Higher Education, 62(6), 765-788.